OSCHINA(Open Source China,OSC)成立于 2008 年 8 月,目前已建立了相当完善的开源软件分类数据库,收录全球知名开源项目近 10 万款,涉及几百个不同的分类。围绕这些开源项目,OSCHINA 为中国开发者提供了最新开源资讯、软件更新资讯、技术分享和交流的技术平台。2013 年,OSCHINA 建立了代码托管与 DevOps 平台“码云 Gitee”,为广大开发者提供团队协作、源码托管、代码质量分析、代码评审、测试、CI/CD 与代码演示等功能。经过在开源领域超过十年的深耕,以及与中国本土开源环境的结合,推动了中国开源领域的快速发展。OSCHINA 目前已发展成为国内知名的开源技术社区,社区有 600 万开发者活跃,长期致力于推动国内开源软件的应用和发展,提升本土开源能力,以及为开源生态环境的优化提供支持。OSCHINA (Open Source China, OSC) founded in August 2008, has established a complete and considerable open-source software database with nearly 100,000 well-known open-source projects in hundreds of different categories. Around these open source projects, OSCHINA provides Chinese developers a platform with the latest open-source information, software update information, technology sharing and communication. In 2013, OSCHINA established the code hosting and DevOps platform "Gitee" to provide team collaboration, source code hosting, code quality analysis, code review, testing, CI/CD and code demo, etc for developers.With more than a decade of experience in open source and in combination with China's local open-source environment, OSCHINA has promoted the rapid development of China's open-source field. OSCHINA has grown into a well-known open source technology community with 6 million active developers and is committed to promoting the application and development of domestic open-source software, improving local open source capabilities, and providing support for the optimization of the open-source ecosystem.联系我们地址:深圳市 南山区 西丽街道云科技大厦22楼邮箱:wangxinru # oschina.cn众包业务合作邮箱:zbkf # oschina.cn培训业务合作邮箱:cuichuanpeng@oschina.cnGitee 业务合作邮箱:quyan # oschina.cn帐号问题邮箱:support @ oschina.cn  

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